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Audience and Lecturer

Mind The Gap Tour

The business landscape has changed; business as usual is no longer usual. Today, leadership must respond to these challenges by creating new ways to focus on the gaps that hinder success.


It’s about seeing the experience our customers have with our company; it’s about understanding and relating to all the different generations in both our workforce and our client base; and it’s about closing the gaps between our strategic plans and the execution of those plans.


Because no matter how you slice it execution happens at an individual level. What our employees do or don’t do determines what our companies do or don’t do.

Stan Phelps, Timothy Moore and Gary Tomlinson have helped many see, understand and close three of the most important and costly gaps facing business leaders today.


Stan Phelps is an author, speaker and experience architect.  He is the founder of based out of the Frontier in Research Triangle Park, NC.  Stan believes that today’s organizations must focus on meaningful differentiation to win the hearts of both employees and customers.  Stan’s presentation is entitled: Seeing the Gap – Little Things Make a Big Difference.

This presentation features lessons from his book and the Amazon Best Seller “Purple Goldfish 2.0.   It will cover the ingredients of creating signature added value and the 10 different types of little extras such as the importance of follow up and how to handle mistakes.  The presentation will feature customer-centric marketing lessons from leading brands such as Apple, Disney, Southwest and Zappos.  Attendees will learn about differentiation through added value through the Goldfish Rule.  They’ll understand the importance of customer experience and its impact on satisfaction, retention and word of mouth.  They will be equipped with both concepts and relevant example, enabling them to readily apply the principles.

Timothy Moore is an accomplished author and speaker with over four decades of experience in marketing, sales and training.  As a keynote speaker, consultant and seminar leader at Generational Insights,  Tim is part of a team that has become the leading voice on the impact of generational differences on marketing, management and sales.

Tim’s presentation is entitled; Understanding the Workplace Generational Gap.  This fun and entertaining presentation answers the question “What causes the generations to differentiate from one another?” Quality employees are your organization’s most valuable resource.  How do you find the best candidates, and how can you keep the ones you have? Who is on you ‘lifer’ list?  What are you doing to make sure they’ll stay?

Each generation, with their unique values, defines and responds to a quality effective public relations experience in their own unique way.   We’ll explore the biases of each of the four generations and give simple, easy to execute strategies for how to best work with each.

Employees and managers need to understand the attitudes and expectation of each of the five generations so they can best work with each.  The days of “treat everyone the same” are no longer with us; now we must accept the needs and desires of the individual.  Attendees will learn to value the attitudes and expectations of each of the four generations.

Gary Tomlinson is an author, speaker and business consultant specializing on the topic of  “Execution", "Execution Management” and "Leadership through the Lens of Execution". Gary believes that today’s organizational leaders must “switch” their leadership focus and learn how to manage and lead execution down to an individual level.

Execution is the great unaddressed issue in the business world today.  Its absence is the single biggest obstacle to success.  In Jim Collins’ book “Good to Great” his research team concluded that strategy doesn’t separate the good from the great, execution does!

There is a gap that exists between what we want our organizations to accomplish and what we actually get done.  And not only does this gap exist but it’s bigger than most of us realize.  It’s known as the Execution Value Gap and it represents the largest opportunity cost for organizations.  The good news is this gap can be closed!



• Attendees were able to better understand where fallout occurs in execution and how to overcome it.

• They grasped the importance of managing execution down to an individual level, and began implementing new practices right away.

• And they left with the knowledge that it’s always possible to close the gap!

Feel free to reach out to learn more today!

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Tim Moore                Gary Tomlinson                   Stan Phelps


The phrase “Mind the Gap” was first introduced in 1969 on the London Underground in the United Kingdom.


Some of the platforms on the London Underground are curved and the rolling stock that uses them, are straight which causes an unsafe gap when a train stops at a curved platform.


Because of this, visual and auditory warnings are needed to advise passengers the risk of being caught unaware and sustaining injury by stepping into the gap. 

The phrase “Mind the Gap” was chosen for this purpose to warn rail passengers to take caution while crossing the gap between the train door and the station platform.

The phrase “Mind the Gap” can also apply in business to advise its leaders to take caution and avoid costly mistakes by not stepping into their own gaps. These gaps exist and are bigger than most of us realize.

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