Star Wars Battlefront Targeting Rifles [UPD]
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Targeting Rifles are specialized high-powered blasters designed for long range and high accuracy, similar to a sniper rifle. They have the most range out of any of the other primary weapons in the game. Unlike normal Blaster Rifles and Heavy Blasters, currently all targeting rifles are semi-automatic.
Chief among the free new content available to all are new Hutt Contracts, which offer new weapons (the DL-18 and DT-12 pistols, and DLT-19X and RELBY-V10 targeting rifles) and Star Cards (Scatter Gun, Dioxis Grenade and Adrenaline Stim). You can see what they all do by logging into the Battlefront website. They all sound very powerful and presumably unlock at the highest levels (the upper Rank boundary has been increased to 60).
Adjunct to the first tip, give yourself a chance to level up in the smaller modes before heading into the larger ones. When you first start multiplayer, you'll have a real limited number of options to play with, a couple solid mid-range blaster rifles, and maybe a few star cards depending on whether you pre-ordered or bought a deluxe version of the game.
LordCancer Kain (lordcancerkain): not just, i was interested in visceral games single player star wars game and i don't like the way ea meddled with visceral games and dead space 3 and closed visceral games. i don't like what ea is doing with bioware linking single player progress to multiplayer in mass effect 3, and andromeda. i have yet to play andromeda but, my understanding it is similar to me3. it feels like they are directing you into their monetization tool. i was curious about the single player portion of battlefront II though it doesn't look worthwhile. i honestly had no interest in the online portion but to me this is ea trying to combine the free to play model with the full price retail model, and yuck! a game has to be really good for me to dedicate my time too, 1100 hours played in bf3, 388 hours in bf4, 0 hours played in hardline and bf1. i am just not ea's target audience and that is fine. i am never going to be that consumers that asks myself do i spend the next hundred hours playing this game or $100 for some random unlocks. i think it is unethical to allow and exploit a person spending $15,000 on multiplayer cards, but that is the new bioware and dice and industry direction, and i sincerely hope it fails. fortunately there are plenty of other non exploitive games to play for now. 153554b96e