Political Thought (oxford Readers) Pdf Download ~REPACK~
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In his essay On the Usefulness of Jav, Spinoza rejects the conviction that the universe is subdivided into a number of separate and independent kingdoms, in which, however, there is an absolutely independent and infinite Will that encumbers all things with necessity. From this it follows in Spinoza that certain natural things, together with the laws governing them, remained the same from infinite times and were created by God, and that everything that happened in the past, past creatures and past laws, must will always occur in the future, even as those things were created by God. In the work The Ethics, Spinoza described reason, or love of ideas and of virtue, as the greatest of all goods. In the work God, Eternity, and the State of Nature, he held that an eternal God is to be sought after because of the goodness of the divine nature. In Spinoza's final work, The Political Treatise, the Spinozist philosopher suggested that responsible citizenship can be based on the idea of liberty. For he argued that freedom in itself is not illusory, but tolerable for all. All laws were not equally justifiable, and the state had a duty to enforce laws that were in conformity with liberty and justice.[2] d2c66b5586