Microsoft Office 2007 Arabic... Download __FULL__
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When you can only open Word documents in English, it can be a real pain to deal with. The reason? Microsoft Office 2007 does not come with the correct language packs. To remedy this situation, you need to install the language packs you need for Arabic, including the Arabic-specific menus and keyboard keys.
To install the missing language packs for Arabic, follow these steps:
In your Microsoft Office, select File, Options.
Click the Languages tab, and make sure you have both the Arabic and Unicode menus checked.
In the Windows Update section, select Windows Language Packs.
Click Next.
At the Windows Language Packs screen, click Install.
Click OK to accept the update.
Once the update is complete, you will need to restart Word or any other program that makes use of the language packs.
When you are done, repeat the process for Excel and PowerPoint.
It's been seven years since I last had to deal with this issue. I remember when Windows 98 came out, and Arabic was a major feature. After a few months, I learned to deal with the problems, and after a year or so, I even became quite proficient with it. I upgraded to Windows 2000, and for some unknown reason, the same issue arose on my machine. After a long time, I finally gave up and installed an Arabic keyboard, which resolved the problem. It's been working fine for several years now.
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