Medal 3.1.0
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In the SMT competition 2018,Boolector won in divisionsQF_ABV (Main and Application track),QF_BV (Main track) andQF_UFBV (Main and Application track).Boolector further won one medal in theFLOC olympic games 2018.
Alongside those for Ver. 3.1.0, the developers also shared some early details about the February update (Ver. 3.2.0). To be more precise, they shared details about the changes coming to the Merge Allies features.
The third of the \"obtainable badges\", this badge was added on the Second of June, 2020 alongside the 3.1.0 update[13]. To achieve it, one must clear ten All clears in one singular 40 Line sprint. Due to the very high level of skill this badge demands out of anyone looking to obtain it, this is the second most rarest of the badges one can obtain without moderator or admin intervention, followed only by the Number 1 badge. Unlike Jstris's \"PC Mode\", players are allowed above the fourth row without invalidating the run, allowing for possible DPC loop abuse if one is willing to both learn the loop and grind for \"2 Line PCs\". Due to the overall popularity of this badge, \"Jstris PC mode world record holder and former Blitz world record holder\"[14] JimothyJimothy made a specialized site with a specific section on it titled \"10 PC Guide\". The only things the game checks for when validating a run is simple:
By the way, tina-3.7.0 and its friend SMPT shined at the last Model Checking Contest.Among the strategies it implements, SMPT makes use of tina tools reduce and walk. (See MCC 2022 for details.)January 20, 2022: Version 3.7.0 releasedIn addition to a number of minor improvements, release 3.7.0 introduces preliminary versions of three new tools: reduce, tedd, and walk. Tool reduce implements the reduction rules introduced in [20], [21], used successfully in our MCC participationsfrom 2018. Given a reduction rules specification, it produces a reduced net together with reduction traces (equations linking the markings before and after reduction). Tool tedd plays a role similar to the available sift tool but relies on decision diagram based methods rather than explicit methods. It does not allow to check reachability properties yet, except for absence of deadlocks or dead transitions, but this is a scheduled improvement.An enrichment of tool tedd with reductions and counting methods for integer points in polytopes won the gold medal atthe last three Model Checking contests in the State Space category. Tool tedd will be progressively enrichedin forthcoming releases of the toolbox to include all capabilities of the MCC version. Given a reachability property, tool walk attempts to find a marking falsifying it, by a possibly constrained random walk of its state space.July 17, 2021: Version 3.7.0 forthcomingIn the meantime, and for the third time in a row (see MCC 2021 for details): June 09, 2020: Version 3.6.0 releasedMostly a maintenance release. The most visible changes concern the nd editor. The look and feel of nd has been improved on some platforms, following a refreshof some internal components; nd now provides built-in export of nets and automata to tikz figures, ready to insert inlatex documents. Another export is provided to the Graphviz dot format. In addition to tina for state space analysis and struct for structural analysis,a third tool can be called from the Tools menu, sift, for on the flyreachability analysis. (Next) The promised new tool, tedd, could not be introduced in the toolbox yet,but its development continues. For the second year in a row, it won a gold award at the Model Checking Contest, in the \"StateSpace\" category(see MCC 2020 for details). June 03, 2019: Version 3.5.0 releasedVersion 3.5.0 is an overhaul of 3.4.4 bringing a number of improvements to theexisting tools and a few new features, including: The sift tool benefits of a new construction for reachability analysis of Time Petri nets.That construction, enabled by flag -hull (selecting either construction -H of -G, see details on the man page),builds an overapproximation of the state classes of the TPN computing only one class per marking.It can be much faster than standard reachability analysis (using -incl , selecting either -M or E).Tool sift also gets a new exploration order flag: -rf. With flag -rf, markings or state classesare explored in random order, as opposed to depth-first order (-df) and breadth-first order (-bf, default).This may help reachability analysis in some cases; The nd editor now provides built-in export of nets into Romeo and lola formats, andof nets and automata in graphical form into latex/tikz and dot descriptions (check File -> export). The ndrio net conversion tool has a new flag, -rev, that reverses the edges of a net; The ktzio transition system conversion tool gets a new textual output format, ktj. Formatktj is a json representation of the kripke transition systems captured in ktz file.Beware that, compared to ktz binary files, ktj files may be very large. Numerous fixes and internal improvements. (Preview) The next major release, tentatively scheduled for the end of 2019, will introducenew important features for tool sift and a new tool, tedd.tedd is a symbolic analysis tool developped over the last few years relying both on decisiondiagrams and on a new symbolic representation of state spaces by equation systems explainedin [20]. Tool sift will also benefit of equational representations.The development version of tedd won a gold award at the 2019 edition ofthe Model Checking Contest in the \"StateSpace\" category(see MCC 2019 for details). January 06, 2016: Version 3.4.4 releasedtts exceptions are now handled by sift and play rather than by tts libraries,with more helpful error messages.October 22, 2015: Version 3.4.2 releasedRefreshed the development environment for the tools.June 29, 2015: Version 3.4.0 released Version 3.4.0 brings many improvements to the tools. Among these: - The pnml parser is now much faster; - When requested to compute semiflows on places, the struct tool now prints the ponderated initial marking for each place invariant, following each semiflow. An additional flag has been added to struct, -safe, that checks using semiflows a sufficient condition for safeness of the net; - The experimental symbolic mode of sift (sift -Z, relying on set decision diagrams) has been moved to a forthcoming tool dedicated to decision diagram based methods (tedd). - The nd editor provides a support for annotations in graphic descriptions,for both nets and automata, and in textual net descriptions, see filesnets/annotations_examples/* in the distribution for some examples.August 25, 2014: Version 3.3.0 releasedFunctionally identical to 3.2.2 but slightly faster thanks to some optimizationsof memory management. Some minor fixes to the nd editor.June 16, 2014: Version 3.2.2 releasedVersion 3.2.2 is a maintenance release. The graphic editor nd benefits of some improvements,notably: graphic descriptions can now be printed in pdf format; graphic transformations have beenadded to menu Edit (h/v flips, rotations, zooming).October 15, 2013: Version 3.2.0 releasedVersion 3.2.0 is a major release. The toolbox underwent a major refactoring work following the recent introduction of several tools. The new source organization favors modularity and ease of maintenance; performances should be similar or slightly better than those of version 3.1.0; Other changes include: Some algorithmic improvements of the timed modes of tool sift. Also added ktz output for modes -M/-E (state classes under time domains inclusion). In such modes, the ktz file only captures states (but no paths), each with a loop for each transition firable from the state. This allows one to check reachability and quasi-liveness properties on such constructions using the muse model checker; Discrete time constructions in tina and sift (modes -D and -F) now allow strict interval bounds; Updated pnml parser/printer; the tools reading pnml should now be able to read all single-page P/T pnml files; All uncovered bugs have been fixed;January 7, 2013: Version 3.1.0 releasedMostly a maintenance release. Improved computation of fixpoints in muse model checker. Fixed mode -A of tina (could disagree withmode -U). Added conversion from ktz to concurrency workbench format to ktzio. Minor fixes in nd.November 2, 2012: Version 3.0.6 released3.0.6 fixes the generation of ktz files by the sift tool; these files are now readableon all targets, independently of the version of the zlib provided. If needed, thektz files generated by older sift versions can be fixed by: gzcat old.ktz gzip -c > new.ktz(don't worry about the crc error message).Also fixes output mode \"bool\" of muse; now returns the truth value of the formulaat the initial state, as it should be.October 9, 2012: Version 3.0.4 releasedMostly a maintenance release.Adds an \"assert\" command to the model checkers. Command assert allows one to customizethe message printed when an expression is proved or disproved (please check the selt andmuse man pages for details);July 4, 2012: Version 3.0.2 releasedA maintenance release. Fixes a bug in ktz generation by sift on Windows targets (ktz file could be unreadable in some cases); Added to selt the capability of using ltl2tgba from the SPOT library instead of the default ltl2ba(please check the selt man page for details);February 29, 2012: Version 3.0.0 beta released In addition to bug fixes and many improvements of 2.10.0 tools, Tina version 3.0.0 introduces five new tools: frac -- support for high-level descriptions in Fiacre:As of version 2.9.0, tina supports an extension of Time Petri Nets with data actions and preconditionsspecified in C (see the description of the tts format in manual pages).A higher level notation is now available, in a language called Fiacre. Fiacre descriptions can be compiled to tts descriptions accepted by tina by a dedicated compiler, Frac.The Fiacre language and the Frac compiler are described and made available in a companionsite sift: it is a specialization of the tina tool, it offers less optionsthan tina but implements them more efficiently; sift is faster than tina andmakes use of considerably less space. sift also allows to check reachabilityproperties on the fly. pathto: a utility program; given a kripke transition system in a ktz file and a targetstate, pathto computes and prints a path to that state. pathto is mostly useful forfor building transition sequences leading to counter-example states computed by sift. play: allows to simulate net descriptions in all formats accepted by tina.Its capabilities are similar to those provided by the nd stepper except thatplay may also simulate .tts descriptions. muse: (in progress) a modal mu-calculus model checker operating on kripke transitionsystems represented in .ktz format.Check the Fiacre pages and the manual pages in directories doc/* of the distributions for usage details.March 8, 2011: Version 2.10.0 released Most tools now handle Stopwatch Time Petri Nets formerly supported onlyby the experimental swtina distributions. Support ofstopwatches is still partial though, check file CHANGES in thedistribution for the constructions supported and limitations; The editor (nd) has been improved. A toolbar makes it easier touse on laptops. The former graphic bindings, slightly cleaned up, arestill supported as shortcuts when selection mode is set in toolbar.The bindings in use are recalled in the nd window on startup; Concerning tools, all known bugs have been fixed, manyoptimizations applied, and a few simplifications of control flagsimplemented. tina 2.10.0 is available for three more 64 bit targets (MacOS,Windows, Solaris) in addition to Linux.November 24, 2009: Version 2.9.8 released A maintenance release, except for MacOS: Fixes all uncovered issues with 2.9.6, including font issues on Fedora 11; A new limit flag (-en k) has been added to the tina tool: \"tina -en k\"stops as soon as the number of enabled transitions in the net drops below k.Hence \"tina -en 1\" checks absence of deadlocks on the fly; The MacOS version of the nd editor underwent a major revision, improvingits \"look and feel\" and fixing all known issues on that target.June 10, 2009: Version 2.9.6 released 2.9.6 is a maintenance release. All known issues with 2.9.4 havebeen fixed; some algorithmics improvements have been introduced.November 17, 2008: Version 2.9.4 released Version 2.9.4 is mostly a maintenance release. The most visible change isthe addition of a 5 lines digest printed by tina on standard output (or in a file)upon completion of the analysis.The digest summarizes its results (whatever the actual output format), it notablyprints the status of the boundedness, liveness and reversibility properties.In nd, the digest is shown in the tina result window, for all output formats.Read arcs and inhibitor arc are nowsupported by all constructions (where meaningfull). Liveness analysisis faster for large graphs, and takes less memory. Many smallimprovements have been implemented, with a notable speedup for modes -P, -M, -E.Minor changes to tina commandline: added flags -stats, -d, removedflag -x, added digestfile argument.May 2, 2008: Version 2.9.2 released Version 2.9.2 is functionally equivalent to 2.9.0, but brings an improved memory management.The new memory management significantly improves the speed of all tina constructions,specially those not handling time constraints.February 29, 2008: Version 2.9.0 released Version 2.9.0 is a major release. Among many improvements it introduces static priorities, asexplained in [15] and [16]: A transition is firable at some instant if no transition with higher priority is firable at the same instant.In absence of priorities, and besides minor ergonomic differences, 2.9.0 behaves exactly like 2.8.4and is fully upward-compatible. Priorities may be specified graphically by drawing arcs between transitions (the source has higher prioritythan the destination), or textually with \"pr\" declarations (check doc/formats/net.txt for details).The priority relation is the transitive closure of the specified relation, it must be irreflexive.The priority relation is checked when saving/loading/simulating/analyzing nets or explicitly by tools->check net.All tools support priorities.The tina constructions taking advantage of priorities are the reachability graph (mode -R) in absence oftime constraints, and the strong state class graph (or zone graph, mode -S) if time constraints are present.The other constructions forget priorities (a proper warning is printed).The construction selected by default is assured to handle all features present in the net. Besides priorities, the nd editor and other tools have been improved in an number of waysfavoring robustness, ease of use and performances. All tools have been intensively tested over the last months.January 9, 2008: Version 2.8.6 beta releasedBesides the new targets, 2.8.6 is mostly a maintenance release. The visible changes from 2.8.4 include:New targets: i86pc (for PCs under Solaris x86), intel-pc (a native version for macintels), and x86_64-linux (for 64 bit linuxes);nd: The control menubar has been moved to a more standard place, making edition easier in fullscreen modeor on targets not supporting \"focus-follows-mouse\" (MacOS). The oldbehavior can be selected on the setup panel, if desired;nd: The naming discipline for pasted nodes has been changed: suffixed names are replacedby generated names of form tn or pn. Again, the old behavior can be selected on thesetup panel, if desired;November 17, 2006: Version 2.8.4 releasedBesides bug fixes and many small improvements, the changes from 2.8.0 to 2.8.4essentially concern the tina tool: 153554b96e