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Typically, when a student first learns to program, they often use one of the text-based programming languages. Depending on the language, this can either be easy or frustratingly difficult. Many languages require you to write lines of confusing code just to display the text "Hello,world!".
Our Knowledge Base with curated Q&As will point you in the right direction to troubleshoot your error code yourself. Be sure to search the error code you are struggling with along with your product model number in our Knowledge Base.
Continue pressing F7 and observe how Python moves forward with really small steps. Does it look like something which understands the purpose of your code or more like a dumb machine following simple rules?
Press F7 repeatedly until you see the expression factorial(4) in the focus box. When you take the next step, you see that Thonny opens a new window containing function code, another variables table and another focus box (move the window to see that the old focus box is still there).
This window represents a stack frame, the working area for resolving a function call. Several such windows on top of each other is called the call stack. Notice the relationship between argument 4 on the call site and entry n in the local variables table. Continue stepping with F7 and observe how new windows get created on each call and destroyed when the function code completes and how the call site gets replaced by the return value.
As you have just seen, the syntax of the Excel TEXT function is very straightforward, a tricky part is supplying a proper format code that will output your number the way you want. Essentially, the TEXT function accepts most of the format codes used in Excel number formats. The table below lists the most common and frequently used ones.
To have it done, supply the above calculation in the 1st argument of the TEXT function, include the corresponding format code in the 2nd argument, and concatenate the Text formula with a string using either the ampersand operator or CONCATENATE function:
The Excel TEXT function can be an easy solution to pad numbers with leading zeros in a column, even if the original values are not the same length. Simply use the format code containing only zero placeholders like "0000000", where the number of zeros corresponds to the number of digits you want to display.
As you can see in the screenshot below, our Excel Text formula adds as many leading zeros as necessary to make a 7-character long string (please remember, the result of the TEXT function in Excel is always a text string, even if it looks like a number).Convert values to phone numbers in a specific formatTurning a column of numeric values into telephone numbers may sound like a tricky task, but only until you remember that the Excel TEXT function allows using dashes and parentheses in format codes.
If some of the original values may contain a domestic prefix (i.e. there can be both 7-digit or 10-digit numbers), include the following conditional format code to display 10-digit numbers in the (123) 456-789 format:
The screenshot below shows this Excel Text formula in action:Excel TEXT function not working - reasons and solutionsCompared to other Excel functions, TEXT is very simple and painless, and you are unlikely to have any difficulties when using it in your spreadsheets. If, against all expectations, a Text formula is not working for you, in most cases it's because of an incorrect format code input in the format_text argument. Here are two most typical issues:
For example the formula =TEXT(A2, mm/dd/yy) is incorrect and should be written this way: =TEXT(A2, "mm/dd/yy")The TEXT function in Excel is language-specific, and requires using region-specific date and time format codes.For example, the formula =TEXT(A2, "mm/dd/yy") that works fine for English users may return the #VALUE error in other locales. In particular, in Germany, you'd need to use the following format codes: "t" instead of "d" and "j" instead of "y" because "day" in German is "tag" and year is "jahr"; "m"(month) is fine because in German it also begins with "m" (monat). So, in German Excel, the above formula will read as follows: =TEXT(A2; "mm/tt/jj"). In France, you'd use the "mm/jj/aa" format code because "day" is "jour", "month" is "mois", and "year" is "an".
Hi i am trying to create a string of numbers with initials at the end that is populated from a cell with an if statement.i need the number to read 2019-000-AA2019 comes from cell L12, 000 is from cell M12 (i need the leading Zero to show when the number is only a double digit or single digit - i need it to have the 0 placeholders) and AA is from J4.I also have a macro that needs to run adding plus 1 to the number in cell M12. i have the code for this, but it is not working and cell I4 when =L12&M12&J4 does not show the 0 place holder before the middle number (M12)
Hi,Could someone help me with the formula that when type a code it shows the text from another cell, please?I need to make it easier when I'm requesting supplies from my stock excel file just typing the code of the product.
This is because the negative numbers section is empty in your format code.To have the format apply to all number types - positive, negative and zeros - use only the first section of the format code: "£#,##0"
The goal of Ammonite is to liberate your Scala code from heavyweight "projects", using the lightweight Ammonite runtime: if you want to run some Scala, open the Ammonite-REPL and run it, interactively! If you want to run it later, save it into some Scala Scripts and run those later.
You can use the Up and Down arrows to navigate between lines within your snippet. Enter executes the code only when you're on the last line of a multi-line snippet, meaning you can take your time, space out your code nicely, and fix any mistakes anywhere in your snippet. History is multi-line too, meaning re-running a multi-line snippet is trivial, even with tweaks.
Tab and Shift-Tab now work to block-indent and -dedent sections of code, as you'd expect in any desktop editor like Sublime Text or IntelliJ. This further enhances the multi-line editing experience, letting your nicely lay-out your more-complex REPL commands the same way you'd format code in any other editor.
Ammonite provides a set of magic imports that let you load additional code into a REPL session: these are imports which start with a $, and are *top-level* inside the REPL command or your Scala Scripts.
Note that script files imported multiple times are re-used; even if the same script is imported multiple times, it will only be compiled once, and its top-level definitions or statements will only be evaluated once. If you want to run code over and over, def a function in the script you are importing and you can call it repeatedly.
Ammonite provides the src built-in, which lets you easily peek at the source code of various functions or classes. You can use this to read their doc-comments or inspect their implementation, to help you figure out how to use them.
src is experimental: it may not always be able to find the source code of a particular method or class, and the source location it brings you to may be a few lines away from the source you really want. Furthermore, src also does not find sources that are within your own local scripts or SBT project: you likely already have access to those via your text editor anyway.
The traditional Scala REPL doesn't handle runaway code, and gives you no option but to kill the process, losing all your work. Ammonite-REPL lets you interrupt the thread, stop the runaway-command and keep going.
Anything that you put in will be executed when you load the Ammonite REPL. This is a handy place to put common imports, setup code, or even call import $ivy to load third-party jars. The compilation of the predef is cached, so after the first run it should not noticeably slow down the initialization of your REPL.
This is useful if e.g. you have multiple Scala/Java processes running but aren't sure when/if you'd want to inspect them for debugging, and if so which ones. With Ammonite, you can leave a ssh server running in each process. You can then and connect-to/disconnect-from each one at your leisure, working with the in-process Scala/Java objects and methods and classes interactively, without having to change code and restart the process to add breakpoints or instrumentation.
Here we can interact with code live, inspecting values or calling methods on the running system. We can try different things, see which works and which not, and then put our final bits in application code. In this example app is located on local machine, but you are free to connect to any remote node running your code.
Scala scripts are lightweight files containing Scala code that can be directly run from the command line. Unlike normal Scala projects, Scala scripts let you save and run code without setting up a "build-file" or "project". Scala Scripts are useful for writing small pieces of code, and are much quicker to write and deploy than a full-fledged SBT project.
Creating an Ammonite Script is just a matter of creating a with some Scala code in it, and running it from your terminal. Deploying the script is a matter of copying the script file to wherever you want to run it, and running it. No project/ folder, no worrying about .jar files or uber-jars. No worrying about compiling your code: scripts are automatically compiled the first time they are run, and subsequently start quickly with minimal overhead. Writing and running Scala code doesn't get much easier than that!
You can write any Scala code you want in an Ammonite script, including top-level statements and definitions (e.g. the println and val x = 123 above) that are not valid in "normal" Scala projects. You do not need to wrap these sorts of top-level statements or expressions in boilerplate object Foo{...} wrappers: this is all done automatically for you by Ammonite. 2b1af7f3a8