Civil 3D 2012 X64 (64bit) Product Key Download [PORTABLE]
We already have a post with the new product keys for Autodesk 2014 products but, for those of you using earlier versions of the software, that post is completely irrelevant. In this post, you can find all product keys for Autodesk 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 products. Why are product keys so important you ask They are required for installation of Autodesk products and are used to differentiate products that are both sold independently and as part of a product suite.
Hey all,I work at an engineering firm, and I have Autocad 2012 on the computer that I use. The company has a permanent license, and I have the available license key to register the product by doing the export license off of the PC I had been using. Since I had built a new PC for the office, I can't find a download for Autocad Civil 3d 2012 anywhere. The only autodesk account the company can seem to find doesn't list civil 3d 2012 as an available product, which I take as either that account isn't the one it is registered to, or downloads don't show under the account.I have to admit, for a company that charges 6k for software, the support available in regards to licensing and downloads is disapointing at best. We are in a situation where we own software that is essentially no good. As far as student or trial software (that I was hoping I could upgrade with our license) I can't find a download for 2012. I've also resorted to copying the Autodesk file from the other PC over, but we all know that doesn't work. That was a last resort attempt.Does anyone have the answer as to where I can download Civil 3d 2012 so I can get this license on it It seems extremely backwards to hold a product download hostage, when a customer may have the license available.Thanks for any help,Dan
A perpetual license is theoretically perpetual. However the license will effectively die when your last computer running the last OS that will run 2012 fails. Microsoft is under no obligation to keep Windows compatible with an old software version. I mention this because 2015 is the last year you'll be able to buy perpetual licenses. Starting in Feb. 2016 most Autodesk products will only be available through \"Desktop Subscription\". This means that you will rent the software for a specific time frame after which it dies. 153554b96e