Multi-Format Executive Educator

Multi-Format Executive
& Team Educator
"When you combine great business education with your own business experience, the outcome you'll receive is
far greater than the sum of its parts."
Gary Tomlinson

"The illiterate of the 21st Century will not be those who cannot read or write,
but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn."
~ Alvin Toffler
For the past 23 years, Gary has created executive education curriculums that not only develop leaders professionally, but personally as well. He is well-versed in the areas of leadership, management, communication and entrepreneurial thinking. He specializes in Discovering Execution, Managing Execution and Leadership through the Lens of Execution. He knows that getting better at execution is the secret to getting better at...well...everything!
For the past 10 years Gary has worked primarily with one organization. Every week he meets individually with the CEO, COO, CFO, as well as their Corporate Directors and General Managers. He is their acting CXO (Chief Execution Officer) as well as their Director of Executive Development. He has seen first-hand that when you develop the top senior executives, the entire company rises with them. In the past 4 years their net profit has risen by a multiple of 26 times. Their success has been nothing short of amazing. When an organization's entire leadership team goes on the journey to execution excellence, incredible results follow.
Gary has a vision of creating the first on-line University focusing on Execution Excellence. You would be hard-pressed to find a single course on execution, execution management and leadership through the lens of execution in any of our business schools or MBA programs. When you think about that statement, it's quite surprising. It can be said that every individual and every organization executes and whether it is done well or not so well makes all of the difference in terms of the outcome.
Everything you do that is purposeful takes execution. It takes execution to create a strategy. It takes execution to implement a strategy. It takes execution to do all of the day-to-day activities one does in their organization. Execution includes planning, engaging the organization and implementation. It's all execution.
But here's the dilemma. If all we do is execute, then why don't we really focus on our ability to get good at it? Why doesn't every single leader have execution as the number one skill to excel in? Consider what it would be like in your organization if you had a real competency in execution. Not just that you were okay at it, but that you were great at it. What would there be to gain. The answer is everything!
Gary's Execution Excellence University is meant to be a vehicle for a revolutionary new model for leading an organization into the future. This is about "execution excellence" and will be a paradigm shift in how senior executives lead and manage execution throughout their companies. And since execution happens at an individual level, this University will be for everybody who is involved in the organization.
Everything we do takes execution. Wouldn't it make sense to learn how to get better at it? Of course, it would!
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Leadership Development around Leading & Managing Execution